Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Tison Duni – The Quiet Courage of Those Left at Home (2021)

History remembers those who have gone out into the action to change the world as we know it with those left waiting being forgotten. Tison Duni looks to change this with a tribute to those who had to wait in ‘The Quiet Courage of Those Left at Home’. Whether they were waiting for the return of a loved one, for liberation, spare parts or the rain to end, he applauds the internal strength needed to see through the dark and hard times.

Delving into the darker and hard parts of human history, Duni weaves his unique guitar style and melodic movements around them. Since he started playing the guitar as a teenager, he has performed with several bands but really fell in love with composing. This has led to a string of singles focusing on contemplation and emotions.

‘The Quiet Courage of Those Left at Home’ pulls you in with a rather mournful guitar line that soars into your senses. Beneath it is an ambient hum that adds a sense of loneliness to the guitar line. Through the single, the guitar draws you into the story and the tale of strength that those who have to wait have. It is a truly touching line that fills you with sombre emotions and that breaking light that only comes from the belief that this can get better. When the second guitar line enters, it is like the instruments are holding a conversation with one encouraging the strength of the other. Through the music, you are beautifully lead to a feeling of inner strength and the understanding that you can get through any hard times.

As the guitars tell the story of the single and fill you with emotion, the lower tones bring a sonic reflection of the world. In the opening notes, this is sad and rather desolate giving you the impression that nothing will work out. As the guitars start to build their strength, there is a hum that rises. This is lighter and more hopeful like the sun chasing away the last remnants of fog on a chilly day.

With stunning guitar work, Tison Duni pays tribute to those left waiting and has you feeling that you can face any hard times in ‘The Quite Courage of Those Left at Home’. This instrumental single is wonderfully touching as it journeys through sadness and into the warm light of hope. The guitar is beautiful and soars through you to tell the story of the track while the lower melodic movements bolster the sentiment.

Find out more about Tison Duni on his Facebook and Spotify.

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