
A Chat with Dar. Ra (19.06.23)

While this is our introduction to singer-songwriter and producer Dar. Ra, the critically acclaimed artist has been turning heads on an international scale. Described by TNS Magazine as “…morphing Bowie style from a rock n’ roll cult star into a genre-defining electronic meets rock producer…”, it’s clear that Dar. Ra certainly has a unique sound and style. We speak with Dar. Ra about his new release Blood N’ Treasure, what music means to him, future plans and more!

OSR: What drew you to music?

Dar. Ra: I think people who do not fit in easily with the expectations of family and society find solace in the arts or crime, I choose arts because it allows you to use your time to better help those who need to understand that we may be different but we are connected by this energy called life.

OSR: What inspires you to make music?

Dar. Ra: As an observer of this space we call the matrix or the higher universe, you have to stay awake to see the microcosm and macrocosm working moment to moment, looking at the small details and clues leads you to see the bigger picture. Within that spectrum Art and Science work to find out what we are doing here, and how best to survive the game, if you cannot be inspired by that framework, then you’re either asleep at the wheel or lazy.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Dar. Ra: Expression, Passion, Community, Healing, Love!

OSR: What can you tell us about your EP Blood N Treasure?

Dar. Ra: It’s an epic tour de force of love and passion with intense storylines that delve into the fragility of the human experience. ‘No Time For Tears’ is a statement that suggests true love and devotion can ride out the storms and rise to the greatest highs of your life. ‘Cure For Jealousy’ is the opposite of that devotion and it comes from a place of insecurity, it’s asking can you transcend that inner turmoil or allow it to eat you alive. The only cure is trust as this is what you have.

OSR: Did you face any challenges when recording Blood N Treasure?

Dar. Ra: Time is my challenge these days, I’ve got more on that I did say 20 years ago when I could just get up and go in the studio and record and produce music all day. That life was a luxury and although I miss it, I rise to the challenges that I face in order to be a better human. Every day I have the gift of another chance to try again, which I am grateful to have.

The tracks were recorded with a drummer in the US, overdubbed in my studio in the UK. Mixed in Turkey and mastered in Portugal, so it takes time to make a Dar. Ra record happen. You get something unique though that is not cookie-cutter boring like let’s put a loop on for 5 minutes and have someone rap some BS over it, and have the bottle to call it music. AI is cool, but again it’s lazy people’s music and there is no effort that relies on technology to make it happen. I can play all my 25 years of songwriting on an acoustic guitar or a piano. Having said that, if you get off on that vibe be my guest and indulge, but if you want an artist to bleed a bit then come to my gig.

OSR: What is your creative process?

Dar. Ra: Listen and write what I hear in my head.

OSR: If you had to recommend only one song from Blood N Treasure to a listener, which song would it be and why?

Dar. Ra: Ah tough one, I guess ‘No Time For Tears’, the original version. It’s 7 minutes long and twists and turns around arrangement-wise with one of my best lyrics which is telling the tale based on the last moments of the last Tsar of Russia.

OSR: What do you hope people take from your music?

Dar. Ra: Hope, Transparency, Accountability, Truth, Awakened States and a huge amount of Love.

OSR: What do you think makes you unique as an artist?

Dar. Ra: All the above and more. Without sounding full of myself I just walk a different route, I do not ever say that will do, and I’m never satisfied with what I do which makes me work harder the next time to make something better. I never wanted to be that wallet-inspired writer and producer, although I do not knock making money as that is what we want to be rewarded for what we do but it’s not what motivates me to create. Rewards come when you’ve done a good job.

OSR: If you had one day to live, what would you do?

Dar. Ra: Say thank you to God for the days I’ve had, then go party with some friends.

OSR: Do you have future plans as an artist?

Dar. Ra: Make more mind-blowing amazing pieces of wonder. I’ve got a bag full of new songs. I need to put some time aside and start recording, things keep getting in the way at the moment though.

OSR: Do you have any final words for our readers?

Dar. Ra: Love is All, All Is Love, We Are One!

Many thanks to Dar. Ra for speaking with us. For more from Dar. Ra, check out his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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