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Charlie Weathersby – Iridescent Sky (2022)

In the musical world of Charlie Weathersby, it is always the 80s, but it is not always happy. This is clear in their single ‘Iridescent Sky’ which blends ethereal guitars with retro tones and poignant lyrics for a sad summer song. A perfect new addition to the genre of sad girl summer, the single will have you sinking into their ambient synth pop with a twang of folksy narrative.

A song that makes you want to move to its retro tones while also feeling like crying, it is an excellent addition to any contemporary pop summer playlist. Continuing the vibes that they have infused into their previous releases, Weathersby effortlessly draws you into their 80s world. If you feel like dancing to a summer bop while wallowing in some sadder emotions, this is definitely the single for you.

‘Iridescent Sky’ softly attracts your attention with the ethereal guitars that carefully make their way through your senses. They drop you into a shuffling beat that harks back to the dreamy pop of the past. While there is a soft feeling to the melody, it is tempered by a sadness that slowly settles on your heart. A light bop movement fills the melody, making you want to sway or bounce slightly to the sound, only to be washed by an almost bittersweet feeling. Later in the track, the guitars make a comeback, bringing their own complicated blend of summer vibes and sadness. Weaving between the beats is an ambient tone that softens the sadness of the music, while adding a touch of dreamy vibes. It is a wonderful melody that perfectly balances dreamy contemporary tones, ethereal guitars and retro vibes.

As you move through the blended sound of the melody, Weathersby’s vocals are a sigh against your skin. Their performance lifts you up into a space that floats just above the ground but never quite soars into the beauty of the sky that you look up at. This feeling of suspension enhances the sadness of the track while the lyrics float on poetic air currents. There is a really amazing contrast of emotions in the track as the vocals slowly build a well of sadness in your chest, while the melody has you relaxing into something softer. The blend of sad pop has been masterfully handled by Weathersby. At times, the lyrics have a thread of conscious feeling to them, like they are the thoughts that flit through your brain as you ride waves of sadness while relaxing in the summer sun.

Charlie Weathersby masterfully crafts the perfect addition to any sad summer playlist with the dreamy, yet slightly morose, vibes of ‘Iridescent Sky’. Both the melody and vocals create a rich blend of summer sun and sadness that you can’t help but soak up. Their vocal performance suspends you in a space that allows the flow of the melody to wash over you.

Find out more about Charlie Weathersby on their Instagram and Spotify.

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