Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Chase The River – Ghost (2024)

Upon entering those horrid pandemic years, our team were fortunate enough to come across artists who would calm our souls in an uncertain time – Chase The River was one of them. With his debut album Recycle Your Regrets in 2017, Northern Irish singer-songwriter Stuart Lunn (also known as Chase The River) began his slow, not necessarily deliberate intoxication of people’s minds. Skip ahead 6 years and he hits us between the eyes once again with ‘Ghost’. We are not the only listeners drawn into his mystical web of music; an international audience lies stunned as he released original material, performed covers, toured with notable names, and featured in various publications. The most recent addition to his repertoire is the single ‘Ghost’.

Following the well-received song ‘The Lies & The Crimes’, Lunn swaggers into 2024 with his song ‘Ghost’. Self-recorded and produced, ‘Ghost’ captures the rawness of DIY production but with the maturity and sophistication of in-studio skills. Originally a solo track, ‘Ghost’ initially featured Lunn on vocals, guitar, bass and drums; however, upon meeting singer-songwriter Lauren White things changed a little. Reworking the song to include White’s mellifluous tones, ‘Ghost’ sees Lunn as a wizened individual reflecting on life with White clinging as a distant echo of previous years.

Simplistic and laidback, Lunn’s gruff vocals carry across a soothing slip of drums, guitar and bass in a melancholic haze. It is easy to listen to but the crescendo into a roaring guitar solo heightens its tenderness enhancing nostalgia, vulnerability and fragility in one fell swoop. Both heartbreaking and heartwarming, comforting and desperate, complex but filled with simple truth, ‘Ghost’ captures the core of existence with rugged exquisiteness.

“It’s all about the Empire Bar in Belfast… I started there at 18 listening to amazing music, drinking too much… then I started performing there and now when I visit or perform, I realise I am now providing the memories that someone once provided to me… it’s a little melancholic I guess but, well, that’s how life marches on…” – Chase The River on ‘Ghost’

Sincere, sentimental and soothing with a gut-wrenching flick of his wrist, Chase The River soothes and chills listeners with ‘Ghost’.

Find out more about Chase The River on his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

Find out more about Lauren White on her Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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