Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Checker Bloom – Page Me (2022)

With their debut single ‘Page Me’, Checker Bloom look at coping with the existentialism that comes when interacting with old technology. Reaching out to everyone who is struggling with a phase of change, they let you know that you are not alone in realising that you are stuck in a cycle of fear and excitement. Using an infectious sound, they bring sharp lyrics to pop sensibilities that pulse with bass and drums.

If you are feeling excited about a change, but nervous about where this can lead, this is the song that speaks to your soul. The four-piece rock band infuse a touch of surf into their jangling indie rock sound that is sure to get you floating to their sound. As the introduction to their sound, this debut single really sets the bar high, while getting you undeniably excited about what they have in store for us in the future.

‘Page Me’ has a really chilled vibe to the opening that makes you think of wide open spaces or a pale blue sky that reaches into the distance. There is a gentle bop to the music that has you lightly bouncing as you listen, while the breeze of their sound ruffles your hair. The guitars bring a slight jangle to the melody that washes over you like the lapping of water. It is a very light sound that is infectious in its own way. At times, the melody drops to just a single beat as the vocals weave their way through your senses. The touches of surf packed into the melody are really great, as they relax you and put you into the right mood to really take in the contemplation of the lyrics.

Hovering over the melody are the vocals that continue the chilled vibes of the music. While undeniably relaxing, the vocals draw you into the struggle of change. This has been wonderfully laced into a story of interacting with old technology and how the digital world is often glorified. As you listen to the flow of the vocals, you can’t help but smile as you sink into the vibes of the track. While the lyrics touch on technology, there is a deeper message of identity and the feeling that you are not alone in feeling out of place at times. This single is one that we can all connect with as the world is constantly changing around us.

Through the chilled and relaxed surf vibes of ‘Page Me’, Checker Bloom considers technology, identity and emotions, with a gentle pulse of pop-rock. The melody is light and easy as it washes over your senses, bringing a touch of surf to the sound. The vocals haze over sharp lyrics that offer a different look at the world than you might be used to.

Find out more about Checker Bloom on their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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