Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Connor Terrones – Drown (2022)

The upbeat fusion tones of ‘What Can I Do?’ helped us break free from manipulation and emotional abuse. Now, Connor Terrones turns his addictive sound to a sense of panic in ‘Drown’. Each note of the single is packed with the feeling of being overwhelmed and getting help, while still offering help in return.

A plea for assistance in life, the emotions of the track are rooted in desperation, fear and uncertainty. The single also taps into that one thing humans do when we really need help and that is to search and bargain for the help we need. Funky, groovy and dreamy with a blast of techno chaos, the single is one that you are going to be addicted to before you even reach the end.

A videogame cascade of electronic tones has you spiralling into ‘Drown’. There is a retro electronic feeling to the melody that is packed with touches of videogame tones that meet the bopping beats. It is a melody that you are instantly caught in and you can’t seem to get away from it. This perfectly matches the inundation of emotions that comes when you feel overwhelmed. Later in the track, the video game inspired electronics give way to a groovier vibe that brings a touch of funk and RnB to the soundscape. This creates a delightfully dynamic melody that has you constantly bopping to the rhythm, while riding the flows of being overwhelmed. As you move from one style to another, you are taken from the panic of having too much on your plate, to the ease that comes when you finally get the help you need to shoulder the burden. This all evaporates as the electronic tones come back, bringing their slightly panicked vibes.

While the melody covers you in the overwhelming panicked tones and smooth funky ease of the music, Terrones’ vocals call out with a plea for help. His performance has a slightly electronic edge to it that rides the video game vibes of the music. This transforms into a smoother flow as you move through the emotions of the lyrics. As the pleas fly out, the electronic edges pick up some of the panic from the melody. When his delivery becomes smoother, you head into the bargaining section where you offer help in return for the assistance you need. It is a wonderful arrangement and performance that perfectly captures this particular quirk of humanity.

Connor Terrones moves from panicked electronic pleas to smooth and slightly funky bargaining in the dynamic tones of ‘Drown’. Both the melody and vocals perfectly bring the story of the lyrics to life as you move from panic, to pleading and bargaining, for help. The retro video game touches are an interesting melodic device that wonderfully contrasts the groovier slides that follow.

Find out more about Connor Terrones on his Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

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