Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Elkvilla – Flatline Into Your Arms (2024)

In his last single, ‘Better To You’, singer-songwriter Adam Dudek, performing under the moniker Elkvilla, stepped into the oscillating realm of humanity tipping his hat at the intriguing collision and interwoven areas of individuality. The single explored relationships – the gritty and the good – capturing feelings of loss and confusion with ideas of resilience, hopefulness and empowerment. Dudek shared that ‘Better To You’ “…is about how you stay with somebody even when there is pain…”; and he steps further into the complex situation with his new single ‘Flatline Into Your Arms’.

“’Flatline Into Your Arms’ is about the melancholy happiness to “flatline” into a lover’s arms. It talks about the daily self-doubts… however also the appreciation of being taken care of from a loved one through all the fears…” – Elkvilla (Adam Dudek) on ‘Flatline Into Your Arms’

The second track from Dudek’s upcoming EP Waterfall, ‘Flatline Into Your Arms’ presents complexity in its lyricism; however, the melody is what carries your emotions and brings the words to life. As the song opens, you step into a sparse desert with sandstorms in the distance and Dudek holding your hand. Underlying guitars and synths echo in the background with his rich vocals leading the way; however, it all changes in the blink of an eye. Swooped up in a kaleidoscopic arrangement of swirling guitars, synths and drums, you fly along feeling bumps, curves, ripples and gut-wrenching drops… the tender empowerment and appreciation of love despite the desolate self-doubts that came before.

What I find particularly interesting, and a distinctive feature of Elkvilla, is the rapid change of movement, style and tone in a single melody. Stark and barebones, the verses incite melancholy vulnerability and a sense of doom; a quick step further and the chorus captures you in a twirl of joy, excitement, love and hope. While I hate to hear the song end, the abrupt cessation of instruments gives way to Dudek saying “flatline into your arms” leaving the theme with a simple but profound statement.

Find out more about Elkvilla check out his official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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