Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Jade Christina – I’m Lucky to Walk Away (2021)

A broken heart is most commonly associated with sadness and moving on but Jade Christina is focusing on something different with her debut single ‘I’m Lucky to Walk Away’. Through the single, she works through the vulnerability of opening up and the dismay of realising that you are not on the same page. With a warm embrace of comfort, it then takes you through a journey to self-confidence and realising that you don’t need another person to love yourself.

While this is her debut single, Christina has been writing songs for the past 20 years as a form of music therapy. Using her skills, she brings vivid metaphors to listeners and delivers emotional journeys in an honest way. With relatable material, this vulnerable ballad resonates deep in your chest.

Christina’s vocals open ‘I’m Lucky to Walk Away’ as she draws you into a metaphor. The lightness of her vocals adds a poignancy to the vulnerability of the single. There is a light echo to her performance that creates a dreamy feeling to the single. You can easily float on the vocals as they form a cloud of emotion for you to rest on. While the lyrics are packed with metaphors they are artfully woven together for an emotional journey that sinks into your chest. As you journey through the track, you move from deep sadness to an understanding that the relationship ending might be for the best. By the end of the single, you are filled with a light sense that you are better off with the confidence the breakup has provided.

Below her vocals is a relatively minimalist melody. The deep beats shuffling against our ears getting your head moving. The piano line brings a wave of emotion while keeping you grounded. The depths of the music is a wonderful counterpoint to the airy vocals that threaten to float away into the soundscape.

Jade Christina delicately works through the emotions of a breakup to leave you feeling confident through ‘I’m Lucky to Walk Away’. The lightness of her vocals creates an airy layer that rests on the more grounded melody. The minimalistic music bolsters the emotional journey of the metaphor rich lyrics that weave into your senses and pull you to the realisation that you don’t need other people to love yourself.

Find out more about Jade Christina on her Instagram and Spotify.

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