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Kristopher – Swear To God (2023)

Filled with raw emotion, genuine honesty, and heartfelt tenderness, singer-songwriter Kristopher Houck gives us music straight from the heart. Performing under the moniker Kristopher, Houck has been described as creating “musical masterpieces” (Sinusoidal Music), “…shines a personal and empathic light on pain and conflict…” (West Orlando News), and “…beaming songs into the cosmos” (WMFE Radio podcast). Combining over a decade of musical theatre with his degree in psychology, the US-based multi-instrumentalist creates songs about feeling and healing through music. The latest addition to his discography is the single ‘Swear To God’.

Following his critically acclaimed track ‘Indigo Sky’, Kristopher steps away from a flowing folk-pop ballad to something far more eclectic. Inspired by soft rock tones, there is an acoustic ballad style within ‘Swear To God’; however, the movement from slow to high-paced sounds and then back again makes it more of a rollercoaster.  Bold drumbeats act as an anchor in the piano-driven rush of music offering you stability in a chaotic melodic sea.

While the rise and fall of ‘Swear To God’ is captivating from an instrumental perspective, it is Kristopher’s vocals that bring a haunting sensation to the track. Soft and obscure but with a tender richness, his voice reaches into your soul with its raw innocence and fragility. As with ‘Indigo Sky’ and ‘Into You’, ‘Swear To God’ explores emotional struggles when facing reality. From vulnerable confusion to unconditional acceptance, Kristopher exposes the need for personal identity in his new track.

“With ‘Swear To God’ I wanted to shine a light on the lie that you need to change for someone else to feel worthy. I have struggled with the feeling that I needed to change in order to please the god I believed in. I have struggled with the feeling that I needed to change in order to please others, even god. Having a part of my identity rejected made me want to do everything I could it to make it right…” – Kristopher on ‘Swear To God’

For more from Kristopher, check out his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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