Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Martin Yates – Yesterday (2021)

Letting go can be hard to do in a world where real relationships are few and far between. However, this is something that often needs to happen and Martin Yates is here to help with ‘Yesterday’. Offering a sad yet liberating message, he takes on the generation of today’s issues with how to conduct themselves and their feelings.

Unafraid to talk about his own experience, he uses a raw and authentic soundscape that blurs the borders between him and listeners. With the help of a number of established musicians including Ellie Consta on strings, the single has you feeling lighter by the end. Telling an undeniable story, Yates highlights the troubles in the world while connecting with listeners on a unique level.

There is a raw feeling in the opening of ‘Yesterday’. The piano line has a grounded vibe that brings a sombre feeling to the melody. The strings swell sweetly in the background to combine with the piano as it picks up into a lightly running flow. There is an almost bittersweet feeling to the melody that makes you feel like what you want is just out of reach. While soaked in sadness, the melody has a glimmer of brightness that slowly becomes more powerful as the single continues.

The rawness of the melody strikes a new chord when combined with Yates’ emotive vocals. His performance is packed with a heart-wrenching pain that cries out against the piano. This is a pain that a lot of people can connect with as it sears its way into your chest. The power of his performance grows with the glimmer of brightness in the melody as the single reaches a crescendo. While his performance is coated in pain and negative emotions, he infuses a sense of hope into it. This is subtly done and helps you understand that the pain you feel needs to be worked through to get to the good in life.

Martin Yates floods your senses with a raw and authentic soundscape only to tug at your heartstrings with pain-filled vocals in ‘Yesterday’. The raw sadness of the single brings a liberating message that lets you know the bad in life leads you to the good. Through his emotive performance, you are captivated by his message.

Find out more about Martin Yates on his Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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