Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Rose – Take Me The Long Way (2022)

Embracing her love for music at a young age, singer-songwriter Rose began playing the violin at the age of six. In the following years, this Italian songstress won several national singing competitions, performed in various types of musical ensembles and groups, founded the Résonance Cultural Association of Parma, and is a singing teacher. Potentially a new face on the unsigned scene, Rose may be considered a newbie musician; however, she is already making waves with her unique sound. Come with us as we look at (or rather listen to) her debut single ‘Take Me The Long Way’.

Described by Motion News as heartfelt and passionate, ‘Take Me The Long Way’ is a ballad in line with the Taylor Swifts of this world; but Rose has a uniqueness in her vocals and arrangement that makes her stand out. A soft, smooth acoustic-inspired track, ‘Take Me The Long Way’ immediately tips you into a swirl of sound from the first note. Showcasing her multi-instrumentalism, Rose incorporates a cello creating an acoustic, orchestral soundscape.

One element I find intriguing about Rose is how her musical arrangement beautifully reflects the theme of the song. As an acoustic ballad, you feel the tenderness and heartfelt nature of ‘Take Me The Long Way’ aligning with the topic of the song – Rose’s marriage. Rose explains that she “married in September and wrote this single as my marriage promises…” Interestingly enough, while you hear sophistication in the song, there is also a naïve innocence that shines through the track. This innocence is particularly evident in Rose’s charming vocals.

So, what is my overall verdict on Rose’s debut single ‘Take Me The Long Way’’? Haunting, intoxicating, sentimental, sincere and introspective, Rose touches on the vulnerability of humans when they are in love. This time, however, the calm of the single points out how vulnerability can be something bringing you closer to your loved one.

For more from Rose check out her official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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