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sam marke – burden to bear (2022)

Autism – it is a complex condition that often leaves diagnosed individuals being perceived as “misunderstood”, “misinterpreted” or “simply weird”. The truth is people with autism are just different and, in many cases, rather talented. Amadeus Mozart was rumoured to be an autistic savant, while Tony DeBlois is diagnosed as an autistic savant. Being able to perform any musical style, play hundreds of instruments, and produce music completely unsurpassed…he’s not the only one though. Along with DeBlois, we have Courtney Love, David Byrne and sam marke – the latter only recently being brought to our attention. Come with us as we delve into marke’s music.

Releasing his debut single ‘burden to bear’, US-based singer-songwriter sam marke soothes our souls with his tender music. Acoustic-inspired, ‘burden to bear’ lays marke’s smooth vocals atop a heartfelt piano enhancing the exquisite pain of the ballad. What I find intriguing is how there is a Tom Odell reminiscence to his indie-pop sound; however, a contemporary pop flair weaves through the melody adding a modern-day edginess.

Artists like Charlie Puth and Justin Timberlake showcase how a wide vocal range adds an extra something to songs; however, sam marke takes this to another level. Is it because his vocal range is so broad? Perhaps it is because his dulcet tones are so heartfelt. What I do know is marke’s charming vocals have a hint of innocence in their heart-breaking quality – in a good way.

Elegant, sincere and poetic, ‘burden to bear’ is a beautiful expression of inner struggles and, for someone with autism, being misunderstood. The thing is, as gut-wrenching as the ballad can be, it has an empowering quality within the poignant melody. marke shares that ‘burden to bear’ is “…about my personal experience of being autistic and the struggle of being misunderstood. I’m hoping this song will help those who aren’t autistic become more patient and understanding towards those who are…I’m hoping it will help autistic people feel more heard, represented, and less alone.”

For more from sam marke check out his official website, Instagram and Spotify.

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