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Smoke Spider – Electrical Show (2023)

A couple of years back, legendary rocker Iggy Pop shared in an interview with Jonathan Ross that he used to smoke spiderwebs to get high. I wouldn’t suggest smoking spiderwebs but listening to Smoke Spider is like taking a puff of Charlotte’s silvery web. The brainchild of Swedish musicians Gorän Florström and Johan Granat, Smoke Spider finds the line between hard rock, psychedelic rock, post-punk and glam rock, then bending it until all the genres are a fuzzy blur. Featured in Lost In The Manor, Iggy Magazine, Sinusoidal Music, Havoc Underground, Illustrate Magazine, Rock Era Magazine, Edgar Allan Poets and numerous others, Smoke Spider is garnering a following on a global scale. The latest addition to their discography is the single ‘Electrical Show’.

Following their well-received single ‘Nervous’, Smoke Spider describe ‘Electrical Show’ as “the result of the cross-fertilisation between mother Electronica and daddy Rock ‘n’ Roll…” While a rock intensity exists in ‘Electronical Show’, the intense chaotic hard rock control of ‘Nervous’ is lacking. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, in fact, it showcases Smoke Spider’s innovativeness and diversity as a band.

One element I find intriguing is how the softer ‘Electrical Show’ brings as much attitude as their previous material; it’s just wrapped in a rather deceptive psychedelic haze with a toe-tapping quality. Just as the fusion of guitars and pounding drums hold its own as an insatiable melody, it is Florström’s vocals that bring something special to the song. Gritty and gruff, but also bold and rich, Florström’s voice captures you in a close embrace while also pushing you to scream out loud.

Haunting but charming, soft but scorching, bold but bringing a hidden depth, Smoke Spider release their new single ‘Electrical Show’.

For more from Smoke Spider, check out their Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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