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Victoria Finehout-Vigil – Swallow (2022)

There are times when you long to be with someone, but know that you can’t be with them because they are already with someone else. Victoria Finehout-Vigil brings this longing for forbidden fruit to the understanding that you need to overcome this desire in her single ‘Swallow’. Resonating with layers of guitars and melodic harmonies, the single is part siren’s call and part realisation that you need to let go.

This slow-burn single features Kit Conway (guitar) and Colin Fraser (piano) who helped Finehout-Vigil turn a rough draft into the full track it is today. As her debut single, this track really lets you know what she is all about and has her creeping under your skin, leaving you longing for more. A dancer by trade, her musical turn is one that transports you into another world.

Finehout-Vigil’s vocals start their siren call from the first moment of ‘Swallow’. There is a sultry and seductive hook to her performance as she brings a hit of indie-folk to the single. The richness of her performance is stunning while the harmonising vocals add a depth to the vocal line. The combined vocal lines rise like twirling tendrils of smoke as the earthiness of folk sinks into your soul. Through this addictive vocal line, she brings the yearning to be with someone you can’t be with. While tugging at yearning, the lyrics turn to the moment you realise you need to swallow your emotions and let go. There is an acoustic edge to the performance that lets her vocals really shine as they beckon you into the depths of the track. It is an extremely rich vocal performance that effortlessly casts a spell over your senses and leaves you at the mercy of Finehout-Vigil.

While the vocals are by far the central point of the single, the stripped-back acoustics of the melody adds a shimmering mist of otherworldliness to the track. There is a mystique that comes with the tender touch of the music, adding to the powerful siren’s call of the vocals. The guitar and piano of the melody combine, creating a light introspection. As the single progresses, this layered melody reaches out into the mists of the vocals, adding to the undeniable draw of the performance.

With her debut single ‘Swallow’, Victoria Finehout-Vigil unleashes a siren’s call packed with longing, forbidden fruit and letting go that leaves you wanting more. Her vocal performance is the heart of the single and effortlessly pulls you under her spell. The stripped-back acoustic melody layers the guitar and piano to reach out into the mists, drawing you further under the thrall.

Find out more about Victoria Finehout-Vigil on her website, Instagram and Spotify.

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