
A Chat with Eyes of Pandora (20.04.24)

Brimming with eclecticism, Eyes of Pandora has a kaleidoscopic sonic palette and many influences from which to build some awesome music. Undefinable, lilts of psychedelia, alternative rock, pop and electronica oozes from their melodies. We speak with the duo’s guitarist Robert Gueits about their new self-titled album, what music means to him, future plans and pick-up lines.

OSR: Cliché but how did Eyes of Pandora come together? What drew you to music and each other?

Gueits: Eyes of Pandora came together because I wanted to write the best pop songs I could. What drew us together was the fact that she could carry the vision with her singing.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Gueits: Music means everything to me.

OSR: You recently released your self-titled album. What can you tell us about it? Is there a theme or backstory?

Gueits: The theme or the backstory of Eyes of Pandora is a desire to write and perform these songs live, and not have to deal with musicians who wanted to diminish our creativity. 

OSR: What was the most challenging aspect of creating Eyes of Pandora and how did you cope with it?

Gueits: The most challenging aspect of creating Eyes of Pandora was knowing that it was just the two of us. How we coped with it was knowing that we believed in the songs, and in what we were doing, and being able to find like-minded musicians who shared our vision.  

OSR: That being said, what were the most exciting and least exciting parts of creating the album AND being musicians in this duo?

Gueits: The most exciting part of creating the album was seeing the songs come to life in the studio. The least exciting part of being in a duo is not having a permanent band.

OSR: If you had to describe Eyes Of Pandora in one sentence, what would that be?

Gueits: The way I would describe Eyes of Pandora is an “alternative electric psychedelic pop rock band”.

OSR: If you had to introduce a new listener to your music, which song would you recommend and why?

Gueits: I would recommend ‘Welcome’ to a new listener. The reason is because it encapsulates our style and sound.

OSR: If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?

Gueits: If I were a ghost, I guess I would haunt the Undertaker. 

OSR: What is the cheesiest pick-up line you have ever heard (or possibly used)?

Gueits: The cheesiest pick-up line I’ve ever heard is “Your eyes are like a roadmap to your heart”. 😄 It sounds like a song!

OSR: What can we expect from Eyes of Pandora in the future?

Gueits: You can expect more songs from Eyes of Pandora.

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

Gueits: Find your courage and always speak truth to power.

Many thanks to Robert Guiets for speaking with us! For more from Eyes of Pandora check out their Facebook and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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