
A Chat with Moon and Aries (10.09.23)

Take a singer-songwriter who translates empowerment and positivity through simplistic organic instruments and add an electronic synthesiser musician with a reputation for computer game music and film soundtracks – this is Moon and Aries. Canada’s Jordana Moon meets West Germany’s Tom Aries and, while it shouldn’t work, just click with masterful melodies. We speak with Jordana Moon and their single ‘Traffic’, collaborations and future plans.

OSR: Hi Moon and Aries, and thanks for speaking with us. So, what drew you to music and how did Moon and Aries come about?

Moon: Hi Nicole, thanks so much for speaking with us today! J Moon here 🌝 Yeah Tom and I were always musical. From day one. We both felt the music in us as toddlers and we just kept expanding and exploring. So it’s not surprising that the universe put us together. Moon and Aries is a musical mission. Both Tom and I heard the call, and we both showed up.

OSR: You recently released your single ‘Traffic’. Is there a particular theme or backstory?

Moon: Tom and I look at life’s entanglements. Traffic everywhere. I love this concept so much. And he and I also drive so much, we feel like cab drivers, but we both love driving and finding peace in the middle of the storm.

OSR: Moon and Aries collaborate with saxophonist Jokomagic on ‘Traffic’. Why did you decide to add horns to ‘Traffic’?

Moon: Tom did it as a surprise to me! We both love sax and jazz so much, so Joko was the perfect addition to the song. We can’t imagine the song without her flare and are so thankful she came along for the ride and brought a huge bag of magic.

OSR: Collaborations can be great but were there any challenges when creating ‘Traffic’?

Moon: Life is always filled with all kinds of traffic. So when we make a song, Tom and I are always going through some sort of existential crisis so we can upgrade. The challenges are deep within, but we’ve got a very strong rope to always help each other out.

OSR: What do you feel are the benefits and drawbacks of collaborating with other artists?

Moon: So far, we’ve only attracted artists who add to our music in a big way. And we plan to keep it this way. It’s an energetic space we create that keeps our vision strong.

OSR: What do you hope people take from your music?

Moon: Positive reflections and activations. Inner peace, elevation. We are all about bringing a higher consciousness into the music industry.

OSR: What makes Moon and Aries unique as an artist?

Moon: Tom and I focus on making the music we want to hear. This is why our style is so broad. We also choose concepts for our songs that are larger than life ideas, because we love the vibe of theme songs. Put that all together, and you got Moon and Aries signature sound.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Moon: Music means vibration and frequency. And it’s so important to have healthy, uplifting music to assist this generation into a higher consciousness. Again, theming our lives in a very positive way.

OSR: What advice do you have for new artists?

Moon: Be a student of the arts. Don’t stop learning about yourself and the human condition. Make the music in your heart and soul and don’t compromise that for anyone.

OSR: What future plans do you have as Moon and Aries?

Moon: Keep making more music. More positive collaborations. And live performances. We can’t wait to experience a live audience with our music.

Many thanks to Jordana Moon for speaking with us! Find out more about Moon and Aries on their official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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