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A Chat with Pale Dream (10.01.23)

What began as a small project between school friends Trey Hoskins (vocals and guitar) and Mari Ericksen (vocals, drums and percussion) evolved into the US-based five-piece Pale Dream. Bringing a nostalgic new wave vibe to the indie-rock sounds of the 90s, Pale Dream has a unique and eclectic sound. We speak with vocalist Trey Hoskins about the band’s new album Curse, musical inspiration and future plans.

OSR: What drew you to music?

Hoskins: Music has always been a part of all of our lives. For me, music became a huge part of my life when I started learning guitar at 10. My dad knew how to play and I wanted to learn as well! Ever since then, I haven’t been able to put the guitar down.

OSR: What inspires you to make music?

Hoskins: I think I speak for all of us when I say the feeling that making music brings is what inspires us to keep making it. Nothing better than playing a song live and feeling like you are on top of the world.

OSR: What does music mean to you?

Hoskins: This is a tough one! Music means something so different and yet so similar for all of us. I think that’s what makes it so beautiful.

OSR: What can you tell us about your album Curse? Is there a particular backstory or theme?

Hoskins: There isn’t a specific backstory or theme for Curse, but there is an overarching feeling that we definitely tried to invoke in the listener. A more melancholic, but hopeful feeling throughout. Oftentimes with our music, it isn’t what the lyrics are literally saying, but how the song can make you feel is what is important to us.

OSR: What do you hope people take from Curse?

Hoskins: I hope people take their own interpretations with each track. Each track could mean something different to everyone. I hope the album can help someone going through a breakup, or someone coping with the loss of a friend or family member, or someone simply looking for a catchy song!

OSR: If you could change one thing about Curse, what would it be and why?

Hoskins: I think the one thing I would change is adding more songs! I think most artists can relate in saying that nothing they create is ever perfect or exactly what they pictured. If I could’ve added more and more songs to this album I would’ve, but I fear it never would’ve been finished.

OSR: What makes Pale Dream unique?

Hoskins: I think that Pale Dream is unique in the way in which we genre bend. Granted, that is not to say that we are the only people that genre bend. However, the way in which we take the goth influences of the 80s and mix them with the love songs of the early 2000s and then throw it all in with the indie-pop of the modern age is something that is pretty unique to find among a lot of bands these days.

OSR: What do you do in your spare time?

Hoskins: We all have day jobs so that definitely occupies most of our time. However, we do have many different hobbies as well. Living in Utah there is a lot of time spent outdoors climbing, hiking, golfing, and just enjoying the land. A few of us also have solo projects we work on in our spare time!

OSR: If you could spend the day with anyone (not a musician), who would it be and why?

Hoskins: I know we would all choose someone very differently, but for me, I would have to choose David Lynch. He is a huge inspiration to me as an artist and I would love to pick his brain for a day and try to steal some of his creative processes.

OSR: Do you have any future plans as Pale Dream?

Hoskins: Future plans for us include another album! Hopefully some bigger shows, and potentially a west coast tour!

OSR: Do you have a message for our readers?

Hoskins: A simple message. Be kind to others.

Many thanks to Trey Hoskins for speaking with us. For more from Pale Dream, check out their official website, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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