Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Anindya Mukherjee – You (2022)

Anindya Mukherjee has taken us through a celebration of the special people in our lives through ‘All I Need’ and the passage of fanciful dreams to the reality of growing up in ‘Paper Boats’. He is now returning to those special people in our lives with the single ‘You’. Through the track, he celebrates a single person who makes our lives easier, while asking for nothing in return.

Part celebration of these people and part love song, the single was written for his wife on their 23rd wedding anniversary. A piano-driven ballad, it carries a heartfelt message packed into catchy chords. With a classic sound, the acoustic tones of the track will have you relaxing into the flow while thinking about the special person in your life.

The piano line that opens ‘You’ flows with a lightness that makes you think of happy bright days. There is a catchy flow that slowly captures your senses woven into the piano line. It is a relatively stripped-back melody that brings the beauty of the piano to sonic glory. The simplicity of the melody bolsters the depths of the emotion of the single. The singular melodic line is really stunning and rises with the emotions of the track as the melody hits. As the single progresses, a secondary melodic line enters with a soft swell of strings. This adds another delicate texture to the single, further brightening the melody and really bringing the tender emotions home.

While the melody draws you into its delicate and tender movements, it is Mukherjee’s vocals that are the real power of the single. Against the piano-driven melody, his voice is an honest and authentic folk flow. Through the first verse, he draws you into the first meeting of someone you love. This leads you to a chorus that is packed with affection and the understanding that the person being in your life just makes it easier. There is a wonderful love story woven into the melody that is touching and brings a small smile to your face. You can’t help but sink back into the gentle flows of his performance as you soak up the love and happiness he infuses into each word. If you are looking for the ultimate love song, this might just be the one you want.

Anindya Mukherjee has us sinking into tender emotions as he celebrates the people who make life easier, just by being there, through his love song ‘You’. The piano-driven melody is tender and beautiful as it catches you in the soft flows of sound. His vocals are honest and authentic as he infuses love into each word.

Find out more about Anindya Mukherjee on his Facebook and Spotify.

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