Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Danny Wright – American Dream (2021)

There are times in life when we all have to face some form of existential dread and artists are not immune to this. Staring down his own questioning and dread, Danny Wright wraps it up in the pop-punk blast ‘American Dream’ that has you moving to his sound while trying to avoid thinking about your own potential crisis. Through the single, he envisions what his life through the decades will be and whether the life of an artist is worth the struggles.

Touching on a topic that all artists have to face at some point, he questions if everything he has done was for nothing while trying to reassure himself. An incredibly personal yet relatable singe, it captures his potent vocals while unleashing a stream of emotion. While the future is never clear and always changing, this single cements Wright as a pop-punk singer you need to listen to right now.

‘American Dream’ punches into your brain with heavy drums and thrashing guitars. There is an addictive movement to the melody that is slightly reminiscent of pop-punk of the past but there is this amazing blast of modernity. The energy of the track vibrates into your soul and shakes you up from the inside out. There is no way that you can listen to this melody and stay still. You will be tapping out the beats or just jumping about as you turn up the volume. Woven into the blasting rock sounds is a youthful vibe that is undeniable.

As you go crazy to the melody, the vocals pop with the hope he has for the future. This is tempered by a fear of the future and the idea that everything won’t work out. The interplay of fear, hope and punk-rock goodness is epic and really anthemic. His performance is infectious and makes you want to shout out with him in the way that only outstanding rock can. You can easily see this song being played in a stadium with the crowd jumping to the rhythm and shouting out with Wright.

Danny Wright fills your senses with his anthemic sound while getting you to jump around to ‘American Dream’. The blast of pop-punk is amazing while the vocals have you shouting out with them long after the track has ended. While the infectious energy of the single is undeniable, the emotive hits are just as impressive bringing fear, hopes and dreams together for a poignant mix.

Find out more about Danny Wright on his website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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