Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Dionne Sturdy-Clow – No Way (2022)

Between the double A-side Flying with the Dogs and the optimistic ‘I Could Be Somebody’, Dionne Sturdy-Clow has shown her versatility and determination. Now, she is capturing that feeling of not wanting to get out of bed as you wallow in regrets and a bruised heart through ‘No Way’. Through this single, she taps into a feeling we have all had at some point, where you feel sad and angry without any comfort and just want to wallow in your own misery.

Sturdy-Clow is again tapping into the heart of rock for this single, but softens it with some acoustic tones and folk sensibilities. Another new flair of musicality from her, she continues to push the envelope and show that she is an artist you can’t box in. A single that can easily become an anthem for a very specific moment, this is a song you need to listen to.

Sturdy-Clow’s vocals grab your attention in the opening of ‘No Way’ as she simply states that she is not getting out of bed today. There is a really relatable flow to the lyrics that perfectly captures those days when it seems too much trouble to interact with the rest of the world. The light curl to her performance brings an honesty and authenticity to the single that makes it even easier to connect with. Through her performance, you can hear the tiredness and weariness she is feeling that turns into frustration and anger as she delves into memories of the day before. She perfectly shows how little things can build up to the point where you are just done with everything. While she is bringing these feelings to life, she wraps them in a really fun melodic flow. Her performance has this light bounce to it that comes from the movement of the music to get you bopping away. Although the single is about being done with today, there is a rather revitalising touch to her performance that really puts a smile on your face.

Beneath her vocals is an acoustic melody that moves from the heaviness of waking and feeling like you want to go back to sleep, into the bounce that gets your foot tapping to the rhythm. The strum of the guitar below the opening verse is met by a swaying jangle of paced strumming. It is an engaging melody that sinks into your shoulders and gets them moving whether you want to or not. While a moving melody, it is relatively understated through the verses, giving the vocals the chance to shine. The plucked tones that hit on the chorus enhance the overall vibes, taking the emotions to new heights.

Dionne Sturdy-Clow captures the feeling of not wanting to interact with the day, while getting you moving to a rather infectious sound in ‘No Way’. The perfect anthem for those days when all you want to do is stay in bed, the single is a pleasure to listen to. Sturdy-Clow’s vocals are emotive and draw you into the feeling of the track, while the music has you swaying and lightly bopping to its sound.

Find out more about Dionne Sturdy-Clow on her website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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