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Experiment 637 – Too Soon to Call a Search (2022)

Experiment 637 are swinging their sound completely for the follow-up to their debut ‘Too Soon to Call a Search’. The expansive tones that introduced the duo have been replaced with foreboding that creeps up on you and smothers you in claustrophobic movement. Packed with unexpected movement and melodic detours, the single brings the feeling of being overwhelmed and overly dependent on someone else to life.

Mickey Dale and Ronan Peaker draw on their own feelings and experiences for the symbolic movement of the single. The duo have been friends for years, with Dale producing some of Peaker’s earlier tracks. Following the experiences that led to this single, they felt a sense of camaraderie and turned to music to help them overcome the struggles they were facing.

‘Too Soon to Call a Search’ slowly creeps into life with a steadily progressing opening. The sound slowly becomes louder as the beats and guitar line leads you into the main melodic movement. There is a slightly dreamy feeling to the music, but this is more sombre than soft. The sound closes in around you, like a heavy blanket that threatens to become too much to handle. The rock tones that fly out from the dreaminess of the melody bring the first unexpected swing of the melody. This all stops rather abruptly, to take you back to the original melodic movement. While the swings in the melody have a rather unexpected feeling, there is a touch of a cycle to the flow. Each movement of the melody brings a new wash of emotion, with the verses creeping through your senses with the cold bite of overwhelming sadness. As the rock tones make their way in, the melody seems to soar into something that could be freeing, but is held by something in the lower levels.

Against the softness of the opening melodic movement, the vocals have a slight echo as they enter with a layered delivery. The opening vocal line draws you into the thoughts of the track, but there is a line in the lower sections of the track that acts as a counter. The two vocal lines are at odds with each other as they bring two lyrical lines that strangely carry the same emotive hit. The lyrics of the main vocal line move with the swings of the melody. Through the verses, there is a reaching out for someone you care about that edges into an unhealthy dependence on the other person. This flies to new heights in the chorus, as the vocals plead for the other person to set you free, only to bring you down with the understanding that this is a one-sided relationship.

Through the unconventional swings of ‘Too Soon to Call a Search’, Experiment 637 closes in around you with a sense of foreboding and a reach for freedom that never comes. There is a delicate darkness to this track that has been masterfully woven into the swings of the melody and the pained expressiveness of the vocals. The layered lyrics draw you into an unhealthy dependence on someone who doesn’t care as much for you.

Find out more about Experiment 637 on their Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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