Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Fury of a Dying Planet – Bloodied Fjords (2023)

Just over one and a half years ago, in September 2021, The Other Side Reviews (that’s us!) came across a musical act called Heart Through Sacrifice. The brainchild of musician and producer Doug Rimington, Heart Through Sacrifice was a passionate, powerful and intriguing project. Well, Rimington is back with another passionate, powerful and intriguing project called Fury of a Dying Planet. Taking a break from recording the second album of HTS, Rimington poured all of his being into “…a metal project with songs based around environmental themes…” (taken from our interview with Rimington). Come with us as we delve into his debut single, ‘Bloodied Fjords’.

Self-recorded and performed by Doug Rimington with production assistance from musicians Chris Allan and Justin Hill, ‘Bloodied Fjord’ is a heart-energy swirl of melodic metal wrapped in a heavy hard rock package. Filled with pounding drums, dynamic guitars and bold electronics, there is an urgency to ‘Bloodied Fjord’. Interestingly enough, while the instruments are prominent, the distorted and angry song comes together in a harmonic arrangement with one message: a call to arms to be conscious of the devastating events of climate change.

“At a time where climate change is accelerating and animals are becoming extinct before our eyes, all through the greed and selfish actions of greedy humans…Fury of a Dying Planet is a call to arms to bring awareness to those who suffer and an anthem to cheer on and support the people who sacrifice so much to protect the earth and the animals that roam free.” – Doug Rimington

While the melody has an aggressive intensity to pour into your heart and, well, terrify the hell out of you, it is the lyricism that adds even greater pain to ‘Bloodied Fjords’. The hard-hitting rock vocals of Paul Brigstock (Black Light Vice) push the pain of dying dolphins with the lyrics: “Blood in the water, choking sand, I cannot breathe”. I’m unsure whether it’s the gruffness of Brigstock’s voice or the brashness of the melody, but that line with those vocals sends shivers down your spine.

In addition to the single, Doug Rimington released an official lyric video for ‘Bloodied Fjords‘. You can view the video on his YouTube channel. Please note that this video uses flashing light effects that can trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

For more from Fury of a Dying Planet, check out his Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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