Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Jake Stone – Late Nights (2023)

Any type of breakup can be difficult to manage, from the end of a short-lived romance to the parting of ways by childhood friendships. Songs of frustration, angst, pain, despair, sincerity and empowerment twirl about in the world of breakups; Jake Stone’s ‘Late Nights’ considers who would “win” a breakup. Is it possible to win a breakup; to hail victorious over the other party? The 21-year-old singer-songwriter explains that “a big element of the song [‘Late Nights’] is the need for victory after a breakup; someone who comes out better off and seems to move on too quickly.”

According to Spotify, ‘Late Nights’ is Jake Stone’s debut single and introduction to the masses but his passion for music began early in his life. In his early years, “he drew a likening to artists and bands such as Simple Plan, Coldplay, Good Charlotte and The Killers…”; from these musicians, Stone began developing a sound that is distinctive and representative of the music environment he grew up with. Interestingly, ‘Late Nights’ leans more toward the pop side of the music spectrum with slicks of Coldplay lurking about the overall vibe – a refreshingly new sound with some vintage tinges.

The first of several collaborations with producer and co-writer Josh King, ‘Late Nights’ is a dramatic rollercoaster of sound. From the opening guitar line, Stone sets the stage for a hard-hitting melody with bold verses teetering on the brink of heartbreak; then the penny drops. A swoop into crashing drums, a powerful bass and soaring guitars sends you on a tumultuous swirl of kaleidoscopic music. Passionate and powerful, the twist and swerve of pulse-racing indie-pop captures the confusion, angst and vulnerability of the profound breakup.

The poetic lyricism elegantly executed by Stone can resonate with listeners but Stone notes that it was the mixing and mastering that “brought ‘Late Nights’ to life”. Originally a stark laying bare of the soul, producer Blake Malone and mastering engineer Leon Zervos gave it the extra oomph. Melody or lyrics, all I know is ‘Late Nights’ is the first glimmer into Jake Stone’s magical music. My one concern is that Stone’s next single may not meet expectations. Only time will tell.

For more from Jake Stone, check out his Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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