Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

JUNKYARD REBEL – Summer Storm (2024)

Take the intricacy of classical music, then wrap it in metal sounds and what do you have? You have JUNKYARD REBEL. The brainchild of multi-instrumentalist Chris Basener, JUNKYARD REBEL offers fury and ferocity but with delicate clarity joined in complexity and sheer awesomeness. The UK-based pioneer explains: “I’ve taken the raw energy of hard rock and metal, the precision of classical music, and forged them into something new…” A notable solo artist with several years of experience and a critically acclaimed discography, Basener is carving a niche in the hard rock scene with trailblazing flair. The latest addition to his repertoire is the single ‘Summer Storm’.

When I consider a metal meets classical style, I immediately think of 2CELLOS’ version of ‘Thunderstruck’; but JUNKYARD REBEL is something more than a heavy cover with a couple of cellos. Following his well-received single ‘Toccato And Fudge’, “a daring mix of Mötley Crue-style hard rock and J.S. Bach”, ‘Summer Storm’ weaves Vivaldi with a tumultuous crush of hard rock forcefulness creating a kaleidoscopic tapestry; or rather a musical painting of a heavy thunderstorm.

Without any warning, JUNKYARD REBEL tosses you immediately in a hurricane of music with pounding drums, bold bass and a searing lead guitar driving the rush of chaotic sound. Yet, while affronting metal can be overwhelming in its rage, ‘Summer Storm’ is harmonic and soothing in its heaviness. Instead of a running sweep of incoherent insanity, the Vivaldi influence carefully guides each instrument lifting your soul to a bright light in the heavens.

Aptly titled ‘Summer Storm’, JUNKYARD REBEL perfectly captures the essence of a storm – almost a soundtrack or tribute to the rainstorms you really don’t want to be caught in but love experiencing. From the pounding sheets of rain to the glaring strikes of lightning and the rolling doom of thunder, ‘Summer Storm’ is intoxicating. My one complaint is that it ends too soon. The abrupt finish might represent the sudden lift of a storm to show a shining sun, but it also means the song has ended. I suppose you just have to hit repeat again and again and again…

Find out more about JUNKYARD REBEL on his official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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