Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Lewis Evans ft Priest Adeyemi – Back to You (2022)

When a relationship comes to an end, you are often filled with conflicting emotions. Part of you may be happy and content, while another part is full of bitterness and resentment. This duality of emotion has been picked up by Lewis Evans and Priest Adeyemi for their funky rock single ‘Back to You’. Carrying the hopeful heat of summer, the malicious bite of winter rests just below the surface, waiting to rise up again.

Contrasting light and dark, Evans and Adeyemi create a single that is quite unlike anything else you might be listening to. The two solo artists first met on a train and struck up a conversation that led to them keeping in touch and wanting to create a song together. This is where this track was born and to round off the sound, they hired drummer Glenn Welman via the internet.

The last icy tendrils of winter fill the opening of ‘Back to You’, before they are chased away by the warmer strum of the guitars. From the start, the melody is quite unlike anything you might have heard, bringing the unique fusion of their sounds to our ears. There is a pulse in the higher levels that leads you into the smoother melodics that is all summer heat. The interplay between the smooth melodics and pulsing tones is a great sonic mimicry of the emotions packed into the single. It is a funky rock movement that you will bounce to, before swaying under the heat of the melody. The guitar calls out later in the track, hitting the rock vibes of the single head-on. It is an undeniably interesting melody that keeps you on your toes, while tossing you into the rollercoaster of emotions.

As you are filled with the heat and bounce of the melody, the vocals are as interesting as they pull you into the emotions that follow a breakup. The overlapping vocal performance in the opening is a complex contrast of bitterness and contentment. The light rap on the verses brings the wintery bite of resentment before the understanding of the chorus hits. The interplay of the vocals is stunning and adds to the funky movement of the melody. Every unique element of the single comes together to form a track that you can easily listen to again and again, only to fall further under the compelling spell of the duo.

Using an extremely unique rock flow, Lewis Evans and Priest Adeyemi draw you into conflicting emotions through the bounce and slide of ‘Back to You’. The melody and vocals have two distinct flows that represent the darkness and light that comes after a breakup. As you are inundated with the unique flows of the track, the rather relatable emotions will have you listening to the track again and again.

Find out more about Lewis Evans on his website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

Find out more about Priest Adeyemi on his Instagram and Spotify.

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