Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Mira Sthira – Up and Down (2024)

In a swoop of enchanting music, singer-songwriter Mira Sthira, which means Ocean Strength, rises from the deep waters within like a radiant phoenix ready for adventure. An addiction counsellor by day and a mystical musician by night, the enigmatic Sthira explores the complexity of life through “the alchemy of music”. From her debut single ‘Nero’ in 2020 to her 2023 single ‘A Fix’, Sthira intoxicates audiences across the globe luring us with melodic spells and tender tones. The latest addition to her discography is the single ‘Up and Down’.

Her first single of 2024, US-based Mira Sthira gracefully descends with ‘Up and Down’. Recorded at Black Owl Studio by Matt Perry, Jonathan Pfarr (mixing), Brandon Allshouse (mastering), and production by Mehdi Belkadi, Mikheil Rusishvili and Luis Escalera, ‘Up and Down’ flits between sophisticated maturity and youthful innocence in an obscure composition. While the melody retains the electronic beats and synth-driven shine heard in ‘A Fix’, ‘Up and Down’ is a rollercoaster of beats travelling from dark, pulsating scores to light, soothing floods of elegant pop.

The melody is attention-grabbing carrying listeners on the rollercoaster; however, it is Mira Sthira’s vocals that drag you along for the ride. Gritty and gruff, she explores the jagged edges of the “electropop bop” but then drags herself from the mire with whimsical, wistful and exuberant joviality. Inspired by a tale of fantasy and reality from illusion to acceptance and empowerment, ‘Up and Down’ is the theme song to life in its intricate glory. Mira Sthira explains:

“This alternative electro-pop bop is a moon-and-heart-infused spell to banish illusion… this dark fairytale journey takes us through the harsh grimy sound of the forest of illusions to the magical Disney-esque soundscape of a heart portal where the truth is once again discovered. Steeping in childlike wonder, with a PG-13 turn, ‘Up and Down’ can capture the Snow White within all of us, who really need no prince to wake up from the spell.”

Find out more about Mira Sthira on her official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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