Album reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

NOVAK – Tired of Trying (2022)

Through the tracks of Tired of Trying, NOVAK brings a summary of experiences that we can all relate to. From considering how hard it is to make everyone happy, to how the pandemic affected people’s lives, and the realisation that it is too late to get a soulmate back. Each track brings a unique sprinkling of punk rock, grunge and pop that will have you singing along while turning the volume up.

Each track of the EP has a unique feel while retaining the vibrant energy of the band. While Novak (vocals, guitar) started playing music years ago, he stopped playing for a few years before being contacted by Tony (drums). After not wanting to, they met for a jam session and Novak immediately knew he wanted to start making music again, with the rest being history.

The title track ‘Tired of Trying’ opens the EP with a wonderful blend of vocals and deep beats. There is a really fun surf rock feeling to the opening that is a little at odds with what comes through in the lyrics. The sunny light of the surf tones is brought into sharp relief by the feelings of inadequacy woven into the vocals. This all takes a turn for the indie punk touches of the chorus that shakes up your senses. While there is this swing between the verses and chorus, NOVAK’s vocals retain an almost detached vibe, like he is singing to us through a haze. This feeling in the vocals really enhances the message of the lyrics as you are hit with the pain of not being enough, only to shake everything off on the chorus, while still feeling a little lost. The transitions between the verses and chorus are really catchy and make you want to shout with him on the chorus.

‘Alaska Sucks’ has a heavier and grittier tone that hits you in the chest from the first note. There is no build-up as NOVAK slams the garage punk sound into your body from the first note. The energy that has been packed into this track is intense and will have you jumping around like a crazy person. While there is a blast of garage punk in the punch of the drums, this has been woven into some great indie rock vibes. Compared to the opening track, this song has a more aggressive edge, but still keeps the depth of messaging. As you listen to this track, you can’t help but feel the urge to shout along on the chorus while turning the volume all the way up. This is definitely a crowd pleaser of a song that would have any collection of people going crazy.

The EP comes to a close with ‘Can’t Comprehend’ which is a little different to the other tracks, with its guitar and drum build-up to the vocals. There is a touch of something familiar to this track as NOVAK hits some seriously traditional grunge vibes, but this has been washed by his unique energy. The bass that thrums throughout the single has your foot tapping along the verses before all the instrumentation bursts on the chorus for a rocking time. Through the lyrics, he brings a churning feeling to your stomach that moves from anxiety to excitement. It is a really wonderful track that turns just past the halfway mark for a stripped-back guitar movement, only for the energy of the first half to come back with the building energy of the drums. This is a really fantastic track that you can’t get enough of.

NOVAK gets you rocking out to his sound from the first note of his EP Tired of Trying as he works through emotions that we can all relate to. Each track touches on a different rock style, from an infusion of indie punk to grunge. Across the track, he not only hits all the right rock notes, but he also gets you jumping around like crazy to his sound.

Find out more about NOVAK on his Instagram, TikTok and Spotify.

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