Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Tiffany Kintzer – Nineteen (2023)

Life is a mystery and fate unfolds in mysterious, sometimes mischievous ways – enter US-based Tiffany Kintzer. Hailing from Iowa, singer-songwriter Kintzer decided one day to jump in her car and travel to Los Angeles on a whim. Skip forward a bit and she has performed at numerous venues gaining a reputation for an engaging, charming and confident stage presence. Not only is Kintzer gaining a loyal following from shows, but her dynamic vocal range and heartfelt melodies are also turning heads across the globe with coverage from international blogs and radio stations. The latest addition to her discography is the single ‘Nineteen’.

On the heels of her single ‘Lost Angeles’, ‘Nineteen’ fuses the brightness of indie-pop charm with the whimsical elegance and sincerity of folk-pop. Soft, soothing and warm, the single finds a delicate balance between organic and synthetic. Acoustic guitars and a ukelele (I think) add an acoustic simplicity while a sliver of synths and beats insert a commercial pop savviness with a bit of a “yep, that’s me” kick.

Produced by John Caviness and penned alongside Kari Lawson, ‘Nineteen’ is both sophisticated and ruggedly raw. Innocence slathers over the elegant instrumentation enhancing the intimate nature of ‘Nineteen’. Using the personal experience of finding true love in the least likely of places, Kintzer captures the core of love in her personal narrative.

“During the summer of 2010, I met a guy named Logan. I was instantly hooked by his charm from the very moment we met. To my surprise, we became fast friends and although there was a small spark we never dated. I moved to Los Angeles a few years later… Fast forward to now and we’ve been inseparable ever since… Although timing wasn’t quite right when we first met, it certainly is now. This song is our story.” – Tiffany Kintzer on ‘Nineteen’

Smart, delightful and filled with passionate creativity, Tiffany Kintzer steals your heart with her intoxicating ‘Nineteen’.

In addition to the single, Kintzer released a lyric video for ‘Nineteen’. You can view the video below or via her official YouTube channel.

For more from Tiffany Kintzer, check out her official website, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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