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Turquoise – Le Bruit (2022)

We all have inner noise that can be helpful at times but can also become overwhelming. Turquoise has picked up on this for their single ‘Le Bruit’ which looks at the times when this loud inner noise is something we really don’t want to listen to. Packed with fierce post-punk tones, there is a touch of retro vibes that enhance the rocking nature of the music.

Sarah Boom (vocals, guitar, synths), Maxime Wathieu (backing vocals, bass), Maxime Lombaerts (guitar) and Nicolas Van Peteghem (synths) grew up with a nostalgia for a musical era they never knew, the 80s. This nostalgia has led to the post-punk, new wave sound of the band that brings a chorus of guitars to some retro-pop melodies. While drawing on these genres, they leave some of the anachronisms behind to bring their own artistic flair.

‘La Bruit’ hits you with a slightly distant beat that creeps closer and brings with it a wash of retro 80s synths. The melody is a wonderful fusion of retro tones and modern sensibilities that slowly builds through the verses. There is a light tone to the synths that seem to raise your head above the noise in your mind that threatens to overtake you. As the synths come down, there is a post-punk scratch that brings the inner noise to life. This scratch turns back into synths and a beat that makes you want to jump from side to side. Woven into the music is a fierce vibe that builds through you giving you the strength to shove the noise you don’t want to the side. As you are led to the end of the track, there is a burst of sounds that all clamber for your attention before an abrupt drop.

While you are moving to the music and riding the waves of retro tones Boom’s vocals carefully make their way into the track. There is a really light touch to the vocals that tickle the back of your brain only to build as you head into the chorus. While the vocals are in French, the fierce attitude infused into the words helps to overcome the language barrier. The delivery carries some of that retro vibe from the melody bringing a strut of post-punk. Through everything in the melody, you can hear the flair of the band that brings something unique to the sound.

Using retro tones, post-punk fierceness and strutting vocals, Turquoise has you pushing through your inner noise to find some peace in ‘Le Bruit’. Both the melody and vocals carry a retro 80s edge that is all new-wave with an attitude infusion of post-punk. This combination has you bouncing to the rhythm while soaking up the French vocals.

Find out more about Turquoise on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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