The Other Side Reviewstrack of the day

Track of the Day: Ally Cribb – Bigger

With sonic sophistication transcending her years, 16-year-old singer-songwriter Ally Cribb brings a tenderness to the music scene. Based in Canada, Toronto to be exact, Cribb stepped out with her unique rendition of Radiohead’s iconic ‘Creep’ last year. Move ahead a few months and we find her producing original material for audiences. A relatively new artist, Ally Cribb may be considered an unknown entity; however, she is turning heads on an international level receiving coverage from Pop Fad Blog, Lefuturewave and Roadie Music. Today’s Track of the Day is Cribb’s debut single ‘Bigger’.

Encouraged since childhood by her industry professional father, Cribb began using music as self-expression from a very young age. Showcasing her vulnerability and fragility in her acoustic cover of ‘Creep’, we see innocence in her sound. Delicate sentimentality and sincerity is heard in ‘Bigger’ with soulful vocals and instrumentation. Recorded and produced with her father, the melodic arrangement seems to toss you into a swirl of music sliding down a kaleidoscopic soundscape.

What I find particularly interesting about Ally Cribb is not the maturity of the sound, but how she highlights her youth with a contemporary pop-inspired style. As with Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, a modern-day connection adds depth to what could be called a light-hearted track. In ‘Bigger’, Cribb adopts a coming-of-age stance with personal narratives; however, there is also a conceptual message making the content more universal. Cribb shares that ‘Bigger’ “is about breaking through the obstacles that convince us to accept less than what we are… I wrote this about the many things I want to accomplish in my life and the feeling I get when I close my eyes and picture myself on a big stage…”

Oozing honesty and innocence, ‘Bigger’ is enchanting but retains a heartfelt optimism and empowerment that is bigger than us (excuse the pun). 2021 may be the year Ally Cribb made her debut, but she is one to watch in 2022. I cannot wait for her upcoming EP Unbroken.

For more from Ally Cribb check out her Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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