Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Betty Reed – Without You (2022)

There are times when you realise that the people who you think would support you are actually trying to hold you back. In order to prosper in life and achieve your dreams, you need to break free from these people. Betty Reed has infused the strength to do this into her single, ‘Without You’.

Through the single, she considers how the best revenge against these naysayers is to succeed in life on your own terms. Drawing on personal experiences, she weaves a relatable and empowering single that pulses with driving pop-rock tones. If you have ever felt demoralised about striking out on your own, this is the single you need to listen to in order to get your sense of empowerment back.

‘Without You’ hits the ground running with a driving pop-rock melodic push in the opening. The opening has you rocking out before dropping to allow the vocals to take centre stage. The strumming of the guitar in the low levels slowly builds through the verse to rise on the chorus, riding the pulse of the drums. There is a wonderfully empowering feeling to the melody as it soars into your brain. Between the verses and chorus, the melody goes through a rise and fall that continues to build your confidence throughout the single. This movement also bolsters the journey of the lyrics as they consider the naysayers and breaking away from them. The guitar riff that comes later in the track is wonderful to listen to as it brings an extra edge of attitude to the track. It is an addictive melodic movement that continues to get you rocking out each time the music rises up against the chains holding you back.

When the melody drops for the verses, Reed’s vocals enter with an almost confessional edge. She effortlessly pulls you into the story of the lyrics and the experience of people who are meant to support you instead of holding you back. As she confronts the situation in the verses, she shakes off their hold with a strengthening flow on the chorus. Her performance rises to anthemic levels in the chorus as she hits out against the naysayers and lets you know that you will be able to achieve everything you want without them.

Using an addictive push of rock-pop, Betty Reed shakes off the chains of naysayers, while letting us all know that we can do the same in the anthemic vibes of ‘Without You’. The melody drives through a rise and fall that brings the journey of breaking free to sonic life. Reed’s vocals tap into the experience of lacking support, before filling you with the strength to move forward regardless of what others may say.

Find out more about Betty Reed on her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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