Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Demsky – Cold Coffee (2020)

Most people have moments where they immerse themselves in something that they love and feel passionately about. These moments of slowing down and embracing what we love are captured by Demsky in his single ‘Cold Coffee’. Using a lo-fi soundscape, he shepherds you into these moments where you focus on what you love and forget about everything around you. While the focus is different for everyone and Demsky’s is coffee, there is a relatable flow to the music.

Drawing on a range of influences including the post-rock scene he is involved in, Demsky crafts a chilled soundscape. Using the skills he has honed over 10 years of creating ambient sounds, he lets you relax and connect with the passion he feels for what he does and loves.

‘Cold Coffee’ draws you in with deep beats and shuffling tones with a spoken-word sample woven into them. The melody has these light notes that ease you into the soundscape while the shuffling beats fill you with a sense of warmth. The music is very chilled and you can’t help but feel relaxed as you listen to it. Through this relaxation, you are covered by the sounds of the single in a similar way to how your focus is overcome by things you love.

There is a swing in the melody toward the middle of the track. The spoken samples filter through the melody and become distorted, but they do not break the overall vibe of the track. There is a slight increase in tempo for the melody while more spoken samples are added. This creates a flow of normal life with different sounds filtering through our senses.

Demsky immerses you in the sounds and chilled vibes of his single ‘Cold Coffee’ through ambient melodies and sound snippets. The easy flow of the melody relaxes you into the soundscape while the spoken samples add a touch of daily life.

Find out more about Demsky on his website, Facebook and Spotify.

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