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Lab on Fire – Connection Failed (2021)

Lab on Fire is packing a lot into their single ‘Connection Failed’ but do so with an amazing burst of 90s rock and dream pop. A tale of unfulfilled love, sobriety and midlife crises, the single is a rollercoaster journey of sound. With a hint of nostalgia thrown into a wave of contemporary pop and dark rock, they have you wondering where their music has been all your life.

Jan Klenik (multi-instrumentalist) and Proki Pivoňka (vocals) are the duo who bring this rollercoaster ride to your ears. Drawing on influences that range from shoegaze to 90s acid culture and contemporary electronic, they create a breathing soundscape that captures a part of your mind you were probably unaware of. Picking the best elements of their influences, they weave unforgettable stories into enjoyable listening experiences.

‘Connection Failed’ slowly enters your senses with a disarming twang that reverberates through the soundscape. It is a really chilled melody that draws you into an expansive feeling that reaches out into the endless ether. Rising from the depths is a soaring guitar that melds with the vibrations of the synths for a rather melodic drone. It is a melodic movement that you aren’t going to forget any time soon. The rise and fall of the music leaves you floating in the swirling ether of the melody that warbles with an acidic wash and dream pop softness. While the melody could become overwhelmingly intense, there is a soft layer resting over it that softens it.

It is not only the melody that has you floating on a chilled vibe. Pivoňka’s vocals are a gentle whisper that breezes over your skin and lulls your senses into complete relaxation. When the melody rises, the vocals sigh against it. This is a delightful sonic device that lets the instrumentation form the chorus while the drifting feathers of the vocals bring the verses to your ears. The lyrics blur the lines between love and addiction while swirling around the confusing emotions of a midlife crisis.

Lab on Fire has you floating in the chilled sonic ether while whispering vocals breeze over your skin in ‘Connection Failed’. The melody is gentle and expansive while swelling to form the chorus of the track. The vocals are a delicate whisper across the senses that draws you into the tale of the lyrics.

Find out more about Lab on Fire on their Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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