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MkX – Bright Side (2023)

Emerging from a cocoon of self-consciousness in an uncertain society, US-based artist MkX is all about confidence, self-discovery and self-expression. Through his genre-fluid sound, he aims to help others experience this transformation and feel a sense of empowerment. MkX explains, “I want people to use my music to bring out their inner confidence…changing the way they carry themselves…I want to make people the best they can be with my art”; and, boy, does this come through in his music.

Since 2017, MkX has been sharing his music with the masses to critical acclaim. Debut single ‘One Sided Love’ and 2019 song ‘right place, at the right time’ hit the Mediabase Top 40 charts. ‘One Sided Love’ made it to the #2 spot on the Mediabase Top 40 Indie Chart and ‘right place, at the right time’ reached #3 on the Mediabase Top 40 Pop Independent Artists Chart. Not only is MkX hitting the charts, but his music is also regularly played at H&M, Old Navy, Best Buy, and various other retail outlets. Alongside these accolades, MkX is praised as having a great stage presence performing at festivals like the Downtown LA Pride Festival.

Following his single ‘Play Out’, MkX’s new track ‘Bright Side’ is a brash, biting blast of electropop for audiences. The bold beats stomp through the single giving a sense of “hyped-up-ness” to ‘Bright Side’; however, he dips into a smoother pop tone bringing a soothing quality to the track. It is as if you are tossed about in a sonic whirlpool but have these lapses where you swim through the kaleidoscopic water in a mellifluous melody. It really is like finding a brighter side to reality oozing hope, optimism and joy.

“I live with a very optimistic mindset and tend to look at the bright side of most situations. I wanted to create a metaphor for the ‘bright side’ as if it were an actual place. Besides describing what the place would feel like in the song’s lyrics, I wanted to sonically create the feeling of the ‘Bright Side’ with a bubblegum electropop soundscape…I hope this record brightens the mood of whoever listens to it and puts a smile on their face.” – MkX on ‘Bright Side’

For more from MxK, check out his Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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