Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Soheill – Red (2021)

As children, we are all filled with a pure innocence that lacks any scepticism and allows us to trust the world around us. This is generally lost as we grow up and become more distrustful of other people. Soheill is looking back on that age of innocence through his single ‘Red’. With some rock tones mixed into dark-pop, he considers the child he used to be with a naïve and open heart.

The single continues the transformation Soheill has been undertaking over the last few years. Through this evolution, he incorporates new sounds and styles while remaining true to his rock roots. Only one of the number of songs being released this year, this single offers some insight into what he has to offer.

‘Red’ grabs your attention with the drums that pound against your ears with an almost nostalgic vibe. The guitars vibrate against your ears to draw you into the low levels of the melody. The synths that hum and breathe over the beats bring a new edge to the song. There is actually a lot going on in the melody with the various layers of sound that sound like they might not work together but really do. Each layer seems to bring a new emotion to the song for an unbelievable blend of rock and electronic instrumentation.

While the melody is utterly captivating in its blending of tones, Soheill’s vocals are a deep whisper of what used to be. From the first word, he has you dipping into memories and the emotions of the past. There is a deep sadness woven into the vocals and lyrics as your sights are turned to the loss of childhood innocence. The chorus has a pleading edge as he cries to go back to a time when his heart was open to everyone. It is a really deep single that is utterly beautiful to listen to and you are going to want it on repeat just to get the full effect.

Soheill has you wanting to go back in time to when your heart was pure and open in the deep movements of ‘Red’. The single is a wonderful combination of organic rock tones and electronic instrumentation that sinks into your chest. Soheill’s vocals bring a deep yearning to shed the scepticism many feel and return to innocence and naivety.

Find out more about Soheill on his website, Instagram and Spotify.

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