Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Tania Vinokur – My Love (2022)

Love is the one emotion in the world that can soothe all hurts, while also alerting us to how lucky we are to have it in our lives. This is something that Tania Vinokur has infused into her aptly titled single ‘My Love’. The mostly instrumental single is packed with the realisation of how lucky we are to have love in our lives, while touching on how love can make us stronger.

Inspired by her own emotions, the single is packed with thankfulness and appreciation of the things in life that keep us sane, even in the face of immense hardship. A trained violinist, Vinokur has been mastering the instrument since she was 3 years old and draws on this knowledge to fill the single with delicate emotions. With minimal vocals, she allows her violin to speak for her, spreading the message of love, hope and appreciation.

The sweet strains of the violin open ‘My Love’ with a tender touch. Beneath the opening violin line is a plucked tone that drips like rain falling off a leaf. The guitar swirls around these plucked tones, creating a seductive twirl of sound. There is a touch of traditional folk to the sound that moves into a light world tone. The melody creates a beautiful and bright journey of positive emotions. There is a softness to the underlying tones that make the sweetness of the violin more powerful. Halfway through the single, there is a shiver of sound that leads to the minimal vocal line. The vocals sigh lightly over the melodic movement before allowing the instrumentation to take over again.

While the lower flow of the melody brings a bright journey of soft feelings to the single, it is really the violin that makes the track. The opening violin line is a honey sweetness that delicately nudges your senses. As the lower melodic flow leads you out onto the path of the track, the violin dances with a swirl of emotion and appreciation of the good things in life. The movement of the violin lightly dances across the top of the lower melodic lines as it turns your attention to hope and love. At times, it almost feels like there are two violins walking down the path of the melody together, as it rises and falls in tone.

Tania Vinokur infuses love, hope and an appreciation for the things that make life better into the sweet violin tones that dominate ‘My Love’. While the single is primarily instrumental, there is a sighing vocal line that enters for a moment, before giving way to the instruments. The violin is the star of the single as it brings the appreciation and love of the track to beautiful sonic life.

Find out more about Tania Vinokur on her website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

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