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Vanda – Honeydew (2023)

Inspired by the complexity of human emotion, singer-songwriter Vanda taps into the poignant underbelly of love, loss and life-changing perspectives. When we left the US-based artist she regaled us with tales of her best friend who passed from this world too soon. Tender, heartfelt and gut-wrenching, her music boasts a raw sincerity and vulnerability from the outset. The latest addition to her discography is ‘Honeydew’.

Following well-received singles ‘Fairytale’ and ‘Eileen & I’, Vanda shifts direction with ‘Honeydew’. The final single off her upcoming debut album Sober In Another Life, Vanda hits us with an upbeat, high-paced genre-diverse smash of music. Unlike her previous material, or at least the past two singles, Vanda retains a sliver of her signature pop in ‘Honeydew’; however, she shows a more aggressive, scorching side to her warm style.

Instead of finding a mellow side to electronic beats, the pulsating electropop punctures the arrangement quickly pulling you into a kaleidoscopic hurricane. Laying atop the punctuated staccato beats, Vanda draws together pounding drums and guitar in a ferocious pop-rock style with a mind-blazing alternative rock chaser. One of the more experimental tracks on Sober In Another Life, ‘Honeydew’ obliterates the soft sweetness of Vanda revealing a heavier, harder and more intense singer. Shifting from trip-hop depths to rock-inspired crescendos, Vanda holds your hand as you traverse an underlying flow alongside the high-paced flashes.

Just as the previous singles touch on the consequences of tragic experiences, Vanda’s soothing vocals slip through with her distinctive raw emotion in ‘Honeydew’. Interestingly, as the direction of Vanda’s soundscape shows a hidden side to her musicality, the vocals become huskier, sensual and playful with a flirtatious grin and wink. Like pulling off a band-aid from an open wound, Vanda scratches the surface to find cheekiness and smirking sass beneath.

For more from Vanda, check out her official website, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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