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Big Surprise – Caesium (2023)

Finding a line between Nirvana, Radiohead and The Cranberries, Big Surprise is a self-proclaimed case of “heart-breaking harmonies, a dirty Tele, and cheerful nihilism set on fire”. Tinged with rock, grunge and slivers of indie-folk, Big Surprise is the brainchild of singer-songwriters Kathryn Evangeline Adams and Arthur Leon Adams III – considering they met at a party, I don’t think they’re related. While each individual has a musical background, Big Surprise is a relatively new project with only one release (according to Spotify). Come with us as we delve into their bright and shiny debut single ‘Caesium’.

A soft, silvery and extremely reactive metal, caesium is a chemical element belonging to the alkali metal group with trace elements in rocks and minerals. A quick fact and potentially irrelevant to most people’s lives; so, why did Big Surprise use the term to title their debut release? Perhaps it is because it’s a cool fact and ‘Caesium’ sounds pretty awesome. Then again, at least in my mind, it is the fact that the melody slips over your skin like a soft silvery sonic thread.

Intertwining their guitars to create a tantalising melody there is sophistication in the arrangement but also a raw innocence slathered atop. Beautifully layered, the guitars act as a wrapper for the haunting vocals. Hushed and gentle, their voices add an ethereal, hazy quality to ‘Caesium’. Interestingly enough, the crash of guitars inserts a kick of alternative rock into the flow, then come together in a harmonic union to end the song in a melodic way.

Sincere, obscure and eclectic, Big Surprise give us a jolt with their mellifluous single ‘Caesium’. If this is anything to go by, I look forward to more from the talented duo.

Find out more about Big Surprise on their Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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