Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Cole LaBrake – Tell Me (2021)

Communication is vital for any relationship if you want it to work, but a lot of people struggle with this. Cole LaBrake has taken the struggles with communication he faced in relationships and turned them into the open and honest ‘Tell Me’. The aptly titled single is deceptively upbeat when combined with the pleading and slightly accusatory lyrics.

While LaBrake started playing music in the third grade, this is the first single he has released. Written as part of an online class by the artist Blanks, it is the culmination of his continued and growing love for music. Recorded in his bedroom, there is an authenticity and honesty to the song that is captivating to listen to.

‘Tell Me’ gently gets your attention with a piano and synth line before you are sent soaring on pastel wings. The clapping tones that form the beats of the track have you wanting to clap with them before you tumble into the upbeat vibes of the music. The soaring feeling of the melody remains throughout the track and has you flying through softly colours clouds. It is a very light melody that lifts you up and fills you with some easy vibes which are quite at odds with the lyrics and vocals.

LaBrake’s vocals have a slight electronic edge to them which doesn’t detract from the honesty and vulnerability that captures your senses from the first word. Through the verses, you are thrown into a relationship where communication is not working as it should and you are left feeling unsure of where you stand. The chorus brings all these emotions to a head as LaBrake confronts a partner with his needs for communication. There is a light accusation in the vocals that call out the person for not being open about anything in the relationship. Into this is a woven a thread of pain and hurt which is delicate and easy to connect with.

Cole LaBrake uses an upbeat and easy melody to lure you into the pain and accusations of ‘Tell Me’. The contrast between the lively melody and the pained vocals is delightful and handled masterfully. Through the honesty and vulnerability of the single, he stands up and demands the communication he needs to move forward. This fills listeners with the strength needed to make their own demands for better communication.

Find out more about Cole LaBrake on his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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