Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Frozen Inertia – What Is This? (2021)

Confusion and hope are two emotions that we have all felt at some point for a variety of reasons. Regardless of the circumstance, Frozen Inertia have taken these emotions and bundled them together for their single ‘What Is This?’. Featuring vocalist Charlie Blu and trumpeter Chad Bell, the single brings a touch of dream pop to alternative rock stylings.

While the lead members of the band, Timothy Graves (guitar, bass, synths, vocals) and Brad Palmer (drums, keys), have been releasing music for many years, they recently reunited with a third member Ryan Anderson (guitar, bass) to make more music. The addition of Anderson has added a new depth to their songs including this single. With their music drawing on their own style and the wealth of guest musicians featured, there is always something new to hear in it.

The steady pulse of the opening of ‘What Is This?’ grabs your attention and effortlessly leads you into the single. There is a tumbling feeling to the melody that works so well with the lyrics. The tumbling of the beats is met with a sudden rise from Bell’s trumpet that rises from the depths. The duality of the melody brings the confusion and hope of the song’s theme it the fore. While you are rolling between the beats and trumpet, there is a rather dreamy feeling to the verses. This lets you float on the melody while enjoying the dynamic movements of the song. There is a change in pace later in the track that brings an extra hit of dreaminess.

Graves’ vocals are the first to wash over you as the beats get a hold of you. The bounce of the beat matches his vocal delivery and the lyrics. When Blu’s vocals come in on the chorus, they are bolstered by the trumpets. Her ethereal flow complements the subtle dreaminess of the first part of the track. The vocals also bring the emotions of the song to life through their interplay. Graves’ vocals bring more of the confusion we all face while Blu’s airy voice is all rising hope.

Frozen Inertia with the help of Charlie Blu and Chad Bell bring feelings of confusion and hope to a dreamy soundscape in ‘What Is This?’. The interplay of the beats and trumpet brings the two emotions of the single to sonic life. This is enhanced by the vocals as you tumble in confusion only to rise on the wings of hope.

Find out more about Frozen Inertia on their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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