Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Mike Nisbet – The Big Sea, Unlimited (2021)

Mike Nisbet is musing on personal salvation with the eclectic sounds of ‘The Big Sea, Unlimited’. The single diverges from his usual classic acoustic sound for a wave of distortion and circles. Over this soundscape, the single looks at a struggle with alcoholism and the plea for someone to wait for you while you sort yourself out. While taking on this difficult topic, he creates a hopeful feeling in the face of trying times.

While this single is not part of his last album, it carries the same introspective tone with a slightly different sonic approach. Recorded and produced by Nisbet, the song has an intimate feeling like you are looking into someone’s inner thoughts. Packed with the potential for something more after the hard times are over, the track will have you feeling hopeful for the future.

The gentle piano line that opens ‘The Big Sea, Unlimited’ has a reflective feeling to it. This turns into something more sombre as the vocals enter over the piano. There is a slight distortion to the piano that warbles over a more solid melodic line. The arrangement of the music is relatively simple as it is only the piano and the vocals. However, this gives the single a raw and honest feeling that brings the messaging of the track home. With a minimalistic melody, you are drawn into the sombre feelings of searching for salvation and the struggle this can bring.

Nisbet’s voice is a deep whispered line in the opening that grows in power as it moves toward the chorus. There is a lot of power in his performance resting in the lower level just waiting to make itself known. This controlled performance works so well with the lyrics as you are filled with the sense of potential through his voice. The chorus has an imploring vibe as Nisbet calls out for someone to hold on and wait for him to get clean. The harmonisation with the female vocals makes this call even more powerful.

Mike Nisbet contemplates personal salvation and calls for someone to wait for him in the emotional ‘The Big Sea, Unlimited’. The piano-driven melody is powerful in its simplicity while Nisbet’s vocals bring an intimate sense of reflection.

Find out more about Mike Nisbet on his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

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