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Teddy Clarke – I Can’t Wait To Forget (2022)

Have you ever had a song stick in your head for ages and it just won’t leave you alone no matter how many times you listen to it? For me, this song is Teddy Clarke’s ‘Bleak’. In fact, I even recommended it when speaking to Real Rob Taylor earlier this year. Intoxicating and emotional, ‘Bleak’ can move you to tears and send chills down your spine; but we are not here to speak about ‘Bleak’. Instead, singer-songwriter Teddy Clarke navigates another vulnerable journey in his latest track ‘I Can’t Wait To Forget’.

Featured in Sinusoidal Music, Our Sound Music, Tongue Tied Magazine and various other publications, Teddy Clarke is reaching audiences on a global scale. He began writing music at age 14 when exposed to David Bowie, Don Mclean and Radiohead, and the likeness to these artists is evident in ‘I Can’t Wait To Forget’. Following his track ‘Stick & Poke’, ‘I Can’t Wait To Forget’ describes the feeling of wanting to forget a dysfunctional relationship and the need to deal with painful emotions.

“I think at some point everyone experiences some form of relationship that isn’t the healthiest that they just want to forget, whether that be a friendship or a romantic relationship. I wanted to get those emotions into a song, it’s not about hating the other person it’s more about the need for separation and space as whatever was there was unhealthy for both people involved.” – Teddy Clarke on ‘I Can’t Wait To Forget’

As with his previous singles, Clarke adopts a soothing, laidback approach in his musical arrangement. Slight tinges of David Bowie with the grittiness of Radiohead exist in ‘I Can’t Wait To Forget’ taking us back to the pop/grunge sound of the 1980s. Yet, while there is a strong 80s influence, the flowing song could easily be placed alongside modern-day pop songs. It is this balance between yesteryear tinged with contemporary sounds that create something distinctive – a sound that is purely Teddy Clarke.

Charming and heartfelt, we can hear Clarke’s signature vulnerability oozing through the poetic arrangement. Unlike ‘Bleak’ there is an upbeat quality woven through the intimate sonic tapestry. ‘I Can’t Wait To Forget’ has a sense of hopefulness, empowerment and understanding that bad things happen but time heals wounds, and you’ll find your way to the bright light at the end of the tunnel.

For more from Teddy Clarke check out his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup. #sustainablecurator

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