Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Mitchel Logan – Don’t Really Need You (2020)

There are times when a relationship is just missing that flame it used to have. Mitchel Logan is taking a catchy and satirical look at these moments. Bringing a fun new spin to bad relationship songs, Logan has you smiling with his upbeat melody and playful lyrics.

The fun and engaging sound Logan creates is effortless and makes you think he has been doing this for much longer than he has. Most of his life has been spent chasing a career in Entomology, but last year he decided to get serious about music. Since then, he has been growing a community of fans who enjoy every sound.

‘Don’t Really Need You’ has a gentle guitar opening that leads you to Logan’s vocals. His performance is smooth and has a very easy flow to it. You are able to easily float to his performance as he draws you further into the single. The lyrics have a bit of sadness within them, but there is also a satirical edge. As he takes you into a relationship that has no spark, you are filled with emotions before he gives you some ideas to bring back a little fun.

The melodic flow from the start of the song continues throughout the track. However, there are horns that come into play later that add an interesting layer to the song. The horn lines are a fun thread that matches the lyrics. The beats in the lower levels of the melody have a fun vibe to them and get you gently moving to them.

Mitchel Logan takes a fun look at relationships without a flame and how to get the spark back in ‘Don’t Really Need You’. The single has an easy vibe to it and uses the melody to inject different emotions into it. Logan’s vocals are smooth as they draw you into the story of the song and help you work through everything.

Find out more about Mitchel Logan on his website, Instagram and Spotify.

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