Single reviewsThe Other Side Reviews

Moraine – Life In This Haunted House (2022)

Like a phoenix rises from its ashes, Moraine rose from the ashes of emo band Solitary Set. Bringing a powerful, bold and hard-hitting sound to the masses, the US-based foursome is quickly captivating hearts across the globe. This is my introduction to Moraine, but the lads have already caught the eyes (and ears) of notable press including Send Me Your Ears, Rock Era Magazine, Find No Enemy, Edgar Allan Poets and Existential Magazine. Come with us as we jump into their debut single ‘Life In This Haunted House’.

Influenced by the likes of Quicksand, Cave In and Smashing Pumpkins, Moraine has an old-school rock sound but with a light sprinkle of contemporary alt-rock in the mix – something evident in their debut track. The first single from their upcoming album, ‘Life In This Haunted House’ has a bold brashness to the melody; however, a leaning toward the pop-rock bands of the 90s brings a nostalgic flair to the song. Interestingly enough, while the grinding guitars and pounding drums hit you in the gut, that 90s whimsy slathers vulnerability across the arrangement.

Proof that they are far more than a great bunch of guys with natural musical talent, ‘Life In This Haunted House’ is intimate on a melodic and lyrical level. Using a personal narrative, frontman Jason Brohm shares recent experiences with his grandmother and the poignant consequences. Brohm explains that ‘Life In This Haunted House’ is “about going back to the house I grew up in and it being completely silent with no life in it, and the eerie feeling that accompanies such an experience. All that’s left are memories…I keep waiting for my grandma to just come out and give me a hug knowing it’s never going to happen…”

The track certainly has a sombreness to this heavy tone and theme, but there is a glimmer of empowerment lurking beneath the gruffness. Brohm notes that while ‘Life In A Haunted House’ is “about seeing a house physically fall apart just like your loved one’s mental state”, the song is also about “facing the past and learning how to move on with your life.”

Sincere, sentimental, genuine and brutally honest, this nostalgic single sends your soul soaring while leaving a tear in the corner of your eye.

For more from Moraine check out their official website, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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