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Track of the Day: Charlotte Lansman – My Mind (2024)

Some songs grab your attention momentarily but drift away on a passing breeze. Some may stick about like lingering perfume to be ushered away on the wind. Some, however, stick in your brain intoxicating you with soul-stirring intensity so you will never forget them. Charlotte Lansman is one of the intoxicating artists. Swirling jazz, soul, folk, pop and rock about in a kaleidoscopic mix of paint, Lansman’s sonic palette is overflowing with life.

Known for her engaging, honest and tender melodies, Lansman tackles the chaos of reality in both its tumultuous grit and astounding delight. In her 2020 single ‘Water’ (our introduction to the UK-based musician), she encapsulated the feeling of “running away from the mayhem of life”, and 2021’s ‘Lost’ immersed us in the “overwhelming moments you live for”. Next, she tackled the complexities of love in ‘Stupid Love’ and ‘So Long’. Today she ushers in exploring the heavier side of reality in ‘My Mind’.

As complex as life can be, there seem to be two prominent sides to the coin – the light and the dark. Mostly, they contradict and collide from tumultuous despair and angst to optimistic empowerment and exuberant joy; however, there is a complementary sliver where darkness can be empowering, and light can be terrifying. Oscillating from one to another, Lansman guides us through our minds and the journey from cheerful main roads to dodgy alleys. She explains:

“’My Mind’ is an expression of being overwhelmed, I suppose. Finding myself unable to understand myself or find myself during the daytime, and unable to escape my mind during the night. Sometimes it feels impossible to get away from your own thoughts, as if the mind is a different part of your own being, fighting. That’s how I felt at the time.”

Brimming with jazz-inspired tones, ‘My Mind’ steps further into the colourful but treacherous back streets. The bold bass and saxophone push you forward with a dripping piano acting as traders eagerly calling your name as you trip along. Interestingly, while Lansman’s Amy Winehouse-style vocals ooze vulnerability and fear, they also stand up as the guiding force through the winding passage offering hope for listeners telling them they aren’t alone.

Find out more about Charlotte Lansman on her official website, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator

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